Family Fun

Family Fun

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

5 weeks and so far so good. :) The nausea is kicking in, for which I am glad. I still compulsively check every time I go to the restroom to make sure there is no blood...I truly earnestly strongly pray this one works out. The kidlets are truly strongly earnestly wanting twins. They grill me every day about how twins would we know if they were identical, science of it all, random dreaminess of it. I love that they love babies and kids, and that they desire more siblings instead of dreading them. Big mama sigh.
We are gearing up to get started with the rabbits.I am pretty excited about this, now that we have found chickens to be so easy to butcher I think rabbits will be doable and a better meat. We are also going to get goats in the spring(maybe sooner, but it would have to fall into our laps).
School is going great. This is easily looking like our best year(potentially) and we are all enjoying the workload. I thought the kids might feel overwhelmed with how much more I planned, but they aren't. The extra read alouds are making my jaw hurt, but I have a few teeth that need some attention and I think it is a compound problem.
My dreads are doing amazing. I am at almost 2 months and they are fairly locked! I got some special shampoo on Etsy that has been really good also, although I don't actually like the smell of it. I may get the commercial dread shampoo just for the smell! This one I bought makes my hair smell clean, it just doesn't have a strong peppermint smell that I like. I suppose I could add a few drops of essential oil...we shall see.

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