Family Fun

Family Fun

Thursday, December 9, 2010

OK, I need to write this stuff down. It makes it more concrete for me.As if internet journals count for, well to me they do.
I want to have a few decent pictures of me taken. My dreads are over a year now and look far different than they did. I want that shown in photos. Problem being...I am the only one who takes pictures here. So I will change that, and soon.
I am going to declutter my blog following list. I have some I do not feel uplifted after reading anymore. There are new ones I want to read. I am on it.
I have decluttered so much of the house this year. I only have 3 weeks left and I want to finish. It is time for brutal let go...some of the much played with toys are not in line with my vision for the home. They will be gone this week. I am going to do a final go through of closets. I would rather have less good stuff and right now I still have ALOT. I so wish Brian would be on board with getting rid of all the video game type things. I would keep just the Wii, but we also have a N64, 3 DSs, a DIDJ(that never gets played with...literally), and 2 gameboys. I HATE the little boxes!!
The end...for today

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