Family Fun

Family Fun

Friday, November 4, 2011

It has already been a very busy day and it is only 11:30. I got the chicken coop thoroughly cleaned, which added a full deep wheelbarrow full of stuff to the compost pile. I piled brush to burn in a little is supposed to be slightly less windy than normal until tonight.I did 2 loads of laundry, made breakfast, excersized for 20 minutes.
Bella leaves tomorrow for her new home. We are all pretty happy with where she is going so it isn't too sad that she is leaving.We are really eager to get going with the goats in Spring. Probably Boers, although I really like Kikos. Boers are much easier to get here.
We have taken two deer to be processed and the guys are going to hunt again. I really am not thrilled with hunting every last freakin deer on the property, but I am reminding myself that there are three empty neighbors who are not hunting this year. We will use the meat, I just really enjoy seeing our herd of deer grazing in the back yard in the winter.I still think we will have some, and plan to feed them when hunting season is over.
I am 15 weeks! In 4 weeks we will find out if baby will tie us or make the gap Big for boys and girls. I am definitely thinking girl, but have boy twinges every few days.
Epiphany gets her cast off her arm on Tuesday. I think it is too early, but I am not the Dr. He mentioned a brace but I can't imagine how we will keep that on her. They still see no need for testing, saying her bones are plenty strong. It is very aggravating to hear that and worry about my little climber.
I am excitedly planning Thanksgiving dinner. It is one of the highlights of the year for me!

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