Family Fun

Family Fun

Friday, February 17, 2012

30 weeks. It is wonderful to feel Luke growing in strength and size. He has been breech throughout, so all the kicks I feel are down low, and his head bumps out at my right side ribs. It is kinda funny to be able to reach down and rub his head!We are all starting to get excited to see what he looks like(especially to see if he is a ginger) and it feels so imminent. Lent begins on Wednesday, and at the end of Lent I will be 37ish weeks! So soon!
We have been doing intensive schooling for awhile and feels great. The kids don't gripe because we still only school a few days a week and take plenty of time to do other things. It also helps that they love the curricula we use(Story of the World, God's Design for Science, Sonlight lists for read alouds, and a hodgepodge of internet things to fill us out.) Urg...I am using this time to print out the worksheets for the day and my printer is not eating the paper properly! It never acts up, this is really annoying.Finally...printing of the Samurai commences.
It is almost baby chick time, and we are getting goats soon too.We are keeping our eyes and ears open to see if we get a Kiko buck or Boer(we both are leaning heavily toward the Kiko)and will be raising meat goats this year. I do wish we were still getting pigs, but we aren't. I am much more of a pig person.
In order to not repeat the crazy squash bug issues we have had for 3 years running we are not doing vining plants this year. We will focus on tomatoes, peppers, and herbs.We have sprayed with Neem oil and hand picked squash bugs till we wanted to scream last year. Hopefully a year with nothing to feed on and the other organic methods we use will rid us of the pests.
We are ordering three large apple trees this year also. We will be fencing them in, as the deer have been stripping the trees worse than usual.I hate the fence intruding on our ideal scenery, but we need to keep the orchard safe.bah
I have been extremely active at church lately. Sunday mornings(in the nursery of course), followed by a Revelations study Sunday afternoon at a member's home. Tuesdays I lead a small group. Wednesday is Youth group. We have started a once a month community dinner on Fridays that will kick off next week. I attended a seminar with other leaders about beefing up the church(not expanding numbers, but enhancing things).It feels very good to be involved. I love my church family!
Ok...lots more prep work is calling me.

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